Oración para el lunes 8 de enero de 2024. Bautismo de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo

Oración para el lunes 8 de enero de 2024.
Bautismo de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo

Amado Dios todopoderoso, los primeros rayos del sol anuncian que una nueva semana ha llegado y yo te doy gracias porque con este nuevo amanecer tengo la oportunidad de acercarme más a Ti y crecer en tu amor.

Gracias también por todas las cosas maravillosas que Tú haces en mi vida: gracias Señor por mi hogar, por los alimentos que Tú siempre llevas a nuestra mesa, por tu constante amor y por tu sublime compañía.

Padre amado, en la mañana de este lunes quiero entregarte mi vida, la vida de mi familia y todos nuestros planes; te suplico que seas Tú tomando nuestra mano, guiando nuestras actividades y ayudándonos a continuar siempre unidos en tu amor.

Te ruego que permanezcas con nosotros en cada uno de los 7 días de esta semana y seas librándonos del abuso, de las personas malvadas, del peligro que asecha y nos ayudes a superar las dificultades y los obstáculos de la vida.

Enséñanos a vivir en tu voluntad y danos la fuerza y la sabiduría para cumplir con nuestras obligaciones de la mejor manera posible; te pido que nos guíes en el trabajo, en el estudio, en nuestros quehaceres cotidianos y que nos permitas llegar al final de cada día con la satisfacción del deber cumplido.

Por favor mira nuestros corazones, nuestros anhelos y nuestras necesidades, ayúdanos a avanzar por caminos buenos y seguros, sopórtanos en la dificultad, avívanos en el cansancio y permítenos alcanzar aquellas metas por las que tanto nos hemos esforzado.

Amado Dios, te doy gracias por escuchar mi oración y gracias porque sé que Tú serás obrando de maneras maravillosas. Te pido que en esta nueva semana tu manto cubra mi vida y la vida de mi familia. Por favor cuídanos, guíanos, colma nuestra senda con tus hermosas bendiciones y permítenos vivir en paz, regocijo, abundancia y bienestar, Amén.

Confía, Dios te ama, en esta nueva semana Él va a borrar las tristezas del pasado y a concederte un presente lleno de alegría, triunfos y bendiciones, Amén.

Hacer esta bella oración te permitirá acercarte a Dios, darle gracias por la dicha de un nuevo despertar y pedirle que sea Él bendiciendo tu vida, la vida de tu familia y concediéndoles una semana llena de éxitos, conquistas, dicha y bienestar.


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Prayer for Monday, January 8, 2024.
Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Dear Almighty God, the first rays of the sun announce that a new week has arrived and I thank you because with this new dawn I have the opportunity to get closer to You and grow in your love.

Thank you also for all the wonderful things that You do in my life: thank you Lord for my home, for the food that You always bring to our table, for your constant love and for your sublime company.

Dear Father, on this Monday morning I want to give you my life, the life of my family and all our plans; I beg you to be You holding our hand, guiding our activities and helping us to always continue united in your love.

I beg you to stay with us in each of the 7 days of this week and free us from abuse, from evil people, from the danger that lurks and help us overcome the difficulties and obstacles of life.

Teach us to live in your will and give us the strength and wisdom to fulfill our obligations in the best possible way; I ask you to guide us at work, in study, in our daily chores and that you allow us to reach the end of each day with the satisfaction of having fulfilled our duty.

Please look at our hearts, our desires and our needs, help us advance along good and safe paths, support us in difficulty, revive us in fatigue and allow us to achieve those goals for which we have worked so hard.

Dear God, I thank You for hearing my prayer and thank You that I know You will be working in wonderful ways. I ask you that in this new week your mantle covers my life and the life of my family. Please take care of us, guide us, fill our path with your beautiful blessings and allow us to live in peace, joy, abundance and well-being, Amen.

Trust, God loves you, in this new week He is going to erase the sadness of the past and grant you a present full of joy, triumphs and blessings, Amen.

Making this beautiful prayer will allow you to get closer to God, thank Him for the joy of a new awakening and ask Him to bless your life, the life of your family and granting them a week full of success, achievements, joy and well-being.

Dear God of infinite goodness, I appear before You on this beautiful morning to thank You for the beautiful gift of life. The past is now behind me and today with the new rays of sunlight, my life is filled with new opportunities.

Give me determination, joy and give me your beautiful company, so I can move forward towards my goals and great desires. Lord, my life and my hopes are in your hands.

I trust in your plans and in your mercy, because You are a good and kind God. That is why I will never fear, because you promised to firmly hold the hand of those who come to You and your promises, beloved God, remain forever.

And if any difficulty should arise, strip my life of ego and give me the humility and courage to recognize that everything is part of your plan and that only in You will I find my refuge in the face of the trials that I have to live to grow, as well as the sailor who comes out stronger after the storm.

Dear God, you will be the one who, with his loving company, guides me to find the exit from each labyrinth.

I ask you to extend your beautiful mantle of protective light and shelter me and my beloved family. Take us by the hand and lead us along safe paths, guide us in each of the activities that we have to do today and when night comes, allow us to rest in your peace. Please shower your love, your understanding and your prosperity upon our home.

Thank you God for this day that begins, for your constant guidance and for your eternal company. In your hands I put my life, the life of my family and my friends. Protect us, bless us and lead us along paths of love, peace and prosperity, Amen.

Live with faith, hope, love and joy, because God hears your prayer and soon your eyes will see what you have asked so much for.

Doing this prayer with faith and devotion will allow you to get closer to God to put your plans, your desires and your activities in His hands, and thus, on this new day, He will lead you along paths of triumph, blessing and prosperity.

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